Thursday, July 29, 2010

What I see everyday Part 1

Just some old photos from my rusty, now defunct, Nikon. It's almost seven in the morning and I never usually post this early. It's the end of July too! I'm sorry for the very bland sounding titles. I switched around the format of the blog a little to make it look a little cleaner??

The reason I posted these was because these are just some of the very ordinary, if boring, objects that I look at from day to day. I've just been thinking that there is very little that I do keep for extended periods of time because almost all the objects photographed above that I used to look at everyday are gone..

Anyway, excuse the uncreative rambling and please check out my tumblr for even more nonsensical rambling: here


  1. That Snuggle bear still haunts my dreams... Do you still have it? I can still remember Mer giving it to you. Wait...she did, right? XD

    I really like the chair shot. Some black and whites look really good when there's a lot of lights and darks, especially with wood.

  2. Nah, I don't really have the Snuggle anymore. I donated it... :( but I'm sure it went to a home where someone needed more.
